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British prime minister uses trip to India to warn Pakistan on terrorism

2010年8月14日 发表评论 阅读评论

戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)昨日冒着英国与巴基斯坦出现外交裂痕的风险,指责伊斯兰堡方面在输出恐怖主义的问题上“装聋作哑”。此前这位英国首相刚为加强与印度的核能和军事关系铺平道路。

David Cameron yesterday risked a diplomatic rift with Pakistan after accusing Islamabad of “looking both ways” on exporting terrorism, soon after he paved the way to closer nuclear and military ties with India.


The British prime minister’s warning to Pakistan to stop “promoting terror” or face isolation in the international community came during a public appearance in India’s IT hub in Bangalore, during a trip to strengthen the UK’s links with the fast-growing Asian country, which he called a “responsible global power”.

英国传统上与巴基斯坦关系密切。但卡梅伦的言论是对巴基斯坦与极端主义集团之间疑似存在的联系的强烈谴责。此前,维基解密(WikiLeaks)网站公布了美国的一些机密文件,这些文件详细列明了有关巴基斯坦间谍机构——三军情报局(Inter-Services Intelligence)帮助训练塔利班并向其提供武器的指控。

Britain has traditionally enjoyed close ties with Pakistan. But Mr Cameron’s words are a strong condemnation of Islamabad’s suspected links with extremist groups. They follow the publication by the website WikiLeaks of classified US files detailing allegations that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, the country’s spy agency, armed and trained the Taliban.


作为回应,巴基斯坦警告称,卡梅伦偏信了印度对于其邻国的一切宣传;过去63年期间,印度与巴基斯坦打了三场战争。巴基斯坦驻英国高级专员哈桑(Wajid Shamsul Hasan)表示:“印度一直在努力中伤巴基斯坦。印度也应该承认,其国内存在诸多问题,有诸多亟待解决的叛乱,而不是把问题都归咎到其它国家身上。”

“We should be very, very clear with Pakistan that we want to see a strong, stable and democratic Pakistan,” Mr Cameron said. “We cannot tolerate in any sense the idea that this country is allowed to look both ways and is able, in any way, to promote the export of terror, whether to India or whether to Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world.”

The British prime minister also pledged to “broaden [the UK’s] counter-terrorism partnership” with India.

Pakistan responded by warning that Mr Cameron was falling prey to Indian propaganda against a neighbour with whom it had fought three wars in the past 63 years. “India has been making an effort to malign Pakistan. It is high time India also acknowledges the many problems it has at home, the many insurgencies within India that need to be tackled, rather than externalising the source of the problem,” said Wajid Shamsul Hasan, Pakistan’s high commissioner to the UK.

英国《金融时报》亚历克斯•帕克(Alex Barker)班加罗尔、詹姆斯•拉蒙特(James Lamont)孟买、法尔汉•博哈里(Farhan Bokhari)伊斯兰堡报道

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