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2024年1月17日 发表评论 阅读评论

ELYSIS是一家加拿大科技公司,为铝冶炼提供颠覆性创新,预示着全球铝业新时代的开始。ELYSIS™技术是迈向更可持续的全球铝工业的重要一步,它结束了铝冶炼过程中碳阳极的使用。这项革命性的技术消除了铝冶炼过程中的所有直接温室气体排放,并且是有史以来第一项将氧气作为副产品排放的技术。ELYSIS™技术提供了一种独特的解决方案,可显著减少运输、建筑、电气和消费品行业日常生活中使用的许多产品的碳足迹。2018年,美国铝业(Alcoa)和力拓(Rio Tinto)两家主要铝业先驱建立了前所未有的世界级合作伙伴关系,促成了ELYSIS的成立。加拿大政府和魁北克政府通过魁北克投资局的参与,积极支持这一行业革命。ELYSIS在蒙特利尔建立了总部,并在加拿大的Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean地区建立了工业开发基地。位于法国和美国的ELYSIS技术开发团队也是其全球组织的一部分。ELYSIS团队由经验丰富、能力出众、才华横溢和敬业的专业人士组成,他们坚持不懈地致力于完善ELYSIS™技术的共同目标,目标是在2024年之前完成其开发并使其达到商业规模。让我们拭目以待。

更多铝业信息,请访问 中国机械 www.sinomachine.org

ELYSIS, a Canadian Technology company delivering disruptive innovation for aluminium smelting, is heralding the start of a new era for the global aluminium industry. In a major step towards a more sustainable global aluminum industry, the ELYSIS™ technology puts an end to the use of carbon anodes in the aluminium smelting process. This revolutionary technology eliminates all direct greenhouse gas emissions from the aluminium smelting process and is the first technology ever to emit oxygen as its by-product. ELYSIS™ technology provides a unique solution to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of many products used in our daily lives from the transportation, construction, electrical and consumer goods industries. An unprecedented world-class partnership of two major aluminium industry pioneers – Alcoa and Rio Tinto – led to the formation of ELYSIS in 2018. The Canadian Government and the Québec Government, through the participation of Investissement Québec, are actively supporting this industry revolution. ELYSIS has established its head¬quarters in Montréal and an industrial develop¬ment site in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region in Canada. ELYSIS Technology Development teams based in France and the United States are also part of its global organisation. The ELYSIS team is formed by experienced, competent, talented and devoted professionals who are relentlessly working on a common objective of refining the ELYSIS™ technology, aiming to complete its development and bring it to commercial size by 2024.

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