首页 > 城市心情, 韦氏观察 > 如何帮助海地灾民


2010年2月3日 发表评论 阅读评论




*那些想成为志愿者的人士应该具有救灾或国际合作的经验和技术,并应该通过救援组织进行工作。若想获取更多信息,请登录国际救灾信息中心(Center for International Disaster Information)网站www.cidi.org。

* InterAction登出了捐款响应及接收机构的名单。去自行查询并确认。国际救灾信息中心还提供了其他救助方式。
*想通过国际救援委员会(International Rescue Committee)提供帮助,请登录:www.theIRC.org。

On January 12th, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck 10 miles outside the capital city of Haiti. The capital city has been devastated with collapsed buildings and people trapped beneath the rubble.

Community efforts to raise money for the responding organizations are a good way to harness the outpouring of generosity for the effected people in Haiti. InterAction has developed guidelines on the most appropriate ways to help those affected by overseas disasters.

Please note that InterAction and most of the organizations below do not have the capacity to support volunteers. For more information about appropriate disaster relief volunteering offers, visit the Center for International Disaster Information.

Provide Your Organization’s Response to this Crisis


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